In order to share video content prefer to use Oculus Video app. The Live View will not work on any phones with the equivalent or lower power than a Galaxy S5, but try it. Then, connect the larger end of the cable to a USB port on your computer. After customization of your photographs you can easily post them on Facebook as well as YouTube by using 360-degree manager app or action director whereas Google Street View also works perfectly with this device. Samsung Gear 360 Manager ported for use on (almost) all devices LAST UPDATED: 21st January 2021, Version Requirements: - A Gear 360 2016 or 2017 (BOTH work with the same app) - Android 5.0 or above - A decently powerful phone. First, connect the smaller end of the cable to the multipurpose port on the Gear 360. Without this key, you cant use the program.There is an Insta360 EVO which offers both 360.

There are so many applications designed for photo editing and they work perfectly with photos and videos captured by Samsung 360-degree camera. Now, when you run the Gear 360 Action Director installer, it will install the 1.0 version of the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable, then it will look for that bogus key to make sure it got installed, and it will continue with the install. EXPORTING 360 VIDEOS USING GEAR 360 ACTIONDIRECTOR SOFTWARE.